Logistics Insights

Nearshoring to Mexico: A Golden Opportunity for CPG

The nearshoring wave is bringing incredible opportunities for CPG companies looking to streamline their supply chain.

Logistics Insights

Things to Consider When Starting Nearshoring to Mexico

Things to Consider When Starting Nearshoring to Mexico

When starting the Nearshoring process to Mexico there are different things to consider. Here are some of them.

Logistics Insights

Key Cross-Border Trends: The Rise of Nearshoring to Mexico

Key Cross-Border Trends: The Rise of Nearshoring to Mexico

Nearshoring to Mexico has become more and more popular among companies in the United States due to its numerous benefits

Logistics Insights

Industries That Ship The Most Cargo Between Mexico And The U.S.

These Are The Main Industries Boosting US-MX Trade

Trade between Mexico and the U.S. totaled $779.3 billion in 2022, making them one of the world's largest trading partners.

Logistics Insights

Risks That Can Result In Your Cargo Being Delayed At Customs

When you ship freight between the U.S. and Mexico, there’s always a risk of your cargo being delayed at customs for several reasons.

Logistics Insights

Advantages And Challenges Of Shipping Cargo Through The Laredo Border

The Laredo Border Crossing is the most popular border crossing in North America for several reasons.

Logistics Insights

Why Top Companies Are Choosing Mexico For Nearshoring And You Should Consider It Too

An increasing number of American companies are considering Nearshoring to Mexico and the trend keeps growing.

Logistics Insights

What American Companies Should Consider Before Nearshoring To Mexico

Mexico has replaced China as a source of supplies for many American companies. Here are the advantages of nearshoring to Mexico.

Logistics Insights

How Data Analytics and Intelligence Are Transforming Supply Chain Efficiency

A look into how to leverage effective analytics to mine data for valuable, proactive insights and accelerate decision-making in logistics.